

George Street

A very pretty, drizzly George Street on Friday evening.

Snax Breakfast

An almost-proper Scottish breakfast at Snax Cafe (there’s no black pudding, but there is an egg hiding under the pile of chips).

Old College

Old College in all its glory.

Independence Demonstrators

Supporters of Scottish Independence on Princes Street – very different from the violent protests we’ve been hearing about in Ferguson.


Teviot all lit up for the first night of Freshers’ Week. Note the long queue, which seems to be common for all nighttime events. This was also where the Céilidh (kay-lee; a traditional Highland dance) lesson was held, which was so incredibly fun.

Riding of the Marches along the Royal Mile

The Riding of the Marches on the Royal Mile, commemorating both the old tradition of riding on horseback to secure Edinburgh’s borders and 100 years since the start of WWI.


Sunny skies in Auld Reekie.

First meal in the flat

An obligatory picture of the first meal I made in my flat.